The Australian Catholic University (ACU) Melbourne Gallery, in the heart of Fitzroy, is hosting an exhibition by Arts Project Australia (APA) to mark its 50th anniversary.
‘Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name’ celebrates the longstanding relationship between APA and ACU’s Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design program.
Professor Catherine Bell said the group exhibition was a collaboration designed to showcase APA’s next generation of artists working in two-dimensional mediums such as collage, pastel and paint.
“Our galleries at ACU offer a professional space that is rent-free and we provide technical support to hang the exhibition,” she said.
“For artists that are new to exhibiting this is an incredible opportunity to present their artworks to new audiences.
“Titled after a Rolling Stones song lyric, this show captures the thrill of presenting one’s art to new audiences.
“It invites viewers to connect with emerging talent and follow their promising careers over the next 50 years.”
Featuring Alessandra DiMattina, Anna Dehm, Christian Semertzidis, David Mendelsohn, Heidi Beard, Iain Gordon, Maddie Pavlovic and Oscar Donati, this group exhibition showcases APAs next generation of emerging talent.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name runs from 15-29 June at ACU Melbourne Gallery, 26 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.